Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mandala Quilt progress

So this one has been on the back burner for far too long. It is time to finish it. I am planning on a second ring, which I almost have finished. Kind of a quilt as you go thing. I quilted this part, then decided I would add more, so I will quilt it and sew it on and see how that goes. Mostly the whole design was cut and fused on with fusable web. Then I stitched zig zag around each piece to give it dimension and because I don't know if I trust them to stay on.  

I'm almost hesitant to put a close up as I need some practice on going around curves with the zigzag!!  Oh well, all in good time.  Any and all comments are welcome.  I'd love to hear your experiences with piecing and fusing.  Do you stitch around your fused pieces or trust that the quilting will hold it in place.  That kind of stuff!!  :)
Thanks, Jane ♥

Following my own advice

So now I'm getting my blog up and running and getting the networking part done.  Now I guess I better go be creative so I can get the blog itself flowing.  There's always that technical stuff that but now I can go play.  Will post new pics soon of creative stuff!!  :)  ♥♥♥

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The finished product

So here is the finished piece. I usually keep starting at the center and work my way out with each layer. The detail gets more fun as you go, and you just have to go with it. It really is about the process, but it is nice to have a pretty piece in the end. They are great tools for meditating. Either as you work, or for sitting with and using as a focal point when you are done. It is a great form of expression!! Enjoy, and please feel free to ask any questions.

Step 2

Now I remove the grid, and just work on the framework of shapes I've created. I add more detail into the shapes. You can go as crazy as you want here, or leave it simpler, whatever works for you, it all comes out beautiful in the end. This is where you learn to listen to that inner voice, don't get caught up in being perfect. Almost always I get to this stage or even further and hit a point where I hate what I've done. All artists know that "Ugly" stage. Never judge a piece until it is done. Put it down for a break if you need to, come back later, but don't give up, the beauty is coming.

First I work simple shapes onto the grid. Just follow your flow. I go back and work in more detail later. I go back many times, as the mandala usually speaks for itself, and it is like working layers into a piece of art. Everytime you finish one layer, you can see where to start with the next one. So start simple and just sketch in some shapes. I do them in pencil, as I will change a shape into something more detailed or overlap a new shape over the existing one. Sometimes the shapes are simply a frame for a more detailed drawing.

The Evolving of the mandala Evolution or how I work my mandala's

So here is the process that I use to work my mandalas with symmetry. Mandalas don't need any symmetry as they can be as freewheeling as you want, they are an expression of you!! I love to put symmetry in mine as I have always been fascinated with math, geometry and now sacred geometry and fractals.

So I use a circular grid as I stated in my last post. To get an idea of how I use the grid, I worked the beginning of this mandala with the grid still on the paper in pencil. You don't need this complicated of a grid, but it gives you an idea of how I form my framework

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Circular zendalas - zentangles

So this is my very first post to my blog. I've been putting it off, but now the time has come. I've been trying to figure out how to get an image of a circular grid out there for those who are asking. So far this is the only way I can think of doing it. Let me know if you have any other ideas.

Hope this gets some of you going. It is divided into 5 degree sections and 1/2 inch diameters, however that was in its original 8" form. I have saved it as an image and now I think the size has changed. At any rate you have my permission to copy the image and paste it into your favorite program to manipulate. You can darken the lines you want. Sometimes I do 8 sections, Sometimes 6, and then multiples of that. My favorite grid I have 24 sections in it.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I'm glad you all are enjoying trying out the circles

Jane ♥

Circular Grid - 5 degree sections